Friday, November 30, 2012

Episode 17 - Bazinga?

In Episode 17, the boys talk about the genius of Turbo, Queen Latifah scares Steve's Mom, Birthday Cake is not just a dessert, Mike is riveting, and the boys think of a cheaper solution to hide your farts in a meeting. All in a days work...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Episode 16 - Human Sacrifice, Dogs and Cats Living Together...Mass Hysteria!

We answer a lot of your burning questions in Episode 16.  Why did the Twinkie die?  How do you raise a baby during the zombie apocalypse?  Do hipsters go to basketball games?  Just what are world saviors such as Steve and Mike thankful for?  All this and more in Episode 16 coming to you with the fury of a thunder god's hammer.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Episode 15 - When In Doubt, Go Back To Rule #2

In Episode 15, Steve and Mike welcome the their very first guest star, the immortal Jay Stone!  Stone joins the fellas on their mission to save the world this week.  They talk about how Steve couldn't sing, Mike never cared and Jay's always...yes, we said always...right.  A nice, hefty dose of laughter for your cranky ears.  Yep, that's what happens.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Episode 14 - Knowing Is Half the Battle

We'll fight for freedom wherever there's trouble...Steve and Mike are there.  We mostly get into the election and post-Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts.  We fight all the villains that came after you on Saturday morning's of yore.  Steve gets his mad on.  We get on about the amazing things Mike and Steve have seen over the last few days.  We know we went kind of longish on these last 2, but you definitely want to listen.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Episode 13 - There's Still Room For a Little Bit of Funny

Sorry we're so late this week, folks.  Sometimes life has other plans for the plans you already have.  This week the fellas talk Sandy...because how could we not talk about it?  We unveil a new award.  We discuss how some condiments don't belong in a sexual discussion.  And finally our take on the new developments in the Mos Eisley cantina.