Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Episode 59 - Remember, Remember the 5th of November

Come with Steve and Mike as they experience greatness in their own city and they weren't looking in the mirror. Explore the realms of fandom and how deep the rabbit hole goes. Wonder, with amazement, as Steve and Mike delve into the abyss known as the "conversation". Can you dig it? CAN!! YOU!! DIG!! IT!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Episode 58 - I Wanna Rub My Gay On Him

Once a upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, there was a man, an older man, putting on chaps, while listening to music who some say is fitting. And we laughed. Oh did we laugh. Somewhere, Steve and Mike are laughing too. While you listen to the two prognosticators of truth, remind yourself with a scotch, maybe 3 or 4, that life can be funny. If you let it.

Episode 57 - He's A Macho Macho Man

Steve... Mike... Two names you can depend on to tackle the important events in the world, and then tell you how it should be handled. Where in the world do people listen to Steve and Mike? You're going to find out. Is it okay to be offensive because you always have been? You're going to find out. Who are "The Meters"? Who cares??? How far does Steve take his weirdness? You'll find out. All in Episode 57.