Monday, February 24, 2014

Episode 71 - The Glen Porkins Project

Back and bringing the funny.  Who was Glen Porkins?  The epic fat overweight slob of an X-Wing pilot in Start Wars.  We discover there may be more to it.  Steve turns the tables on his Mom, and Mike turns the tables on him.  Mike goes through the gender names for Facebook.  All in a days work...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Episode 70 - You Can Trust Us!

Steve and Mike geek out on some movies, comics, comic book movies, toys, movies about comic book toys, tv, movies about comic book toys on tv.  Then we talk about society's lack of trust in the pillars of our nation and how they contribute to the fall of youth.  All in a days work...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Episode 69, Part 2 - The Ladder of Hotness 2

69 was so good... We needed another one.. Steve and Mike continue the hijinx with a few conversations on some other things on their brains.  Join them will you?  The Rainbow you shall taste.  The podcast you listen.  Why are we talking like Yoda?  Know we don't.

Episode 69, Part 1 - The Ladder of Hotness 1

69 is here and what's better than 69?  Two 69's!!  Steve and Mike have so much content this week that there's two parts to this episode this week to keep you entertained.  Super Bowl picks, who was right?  Steve gets accused of thinking of his hero in a very uncomfortable place...and not the back of a volkswagon.  We also talk about the dumbest people in the world.

Episode 68 - Turn Your Man-Eater Into A Man-Pleaser

Steve and Mike, the two names that ring within your soul when you think of entertainment. This week we bring you some Grammy's talk.  Is it okay to make fun of a Beatle?  Steve's Mom thinks she upset a high profile entertainer, find out who. Mike and Steve disagree on something!!!  Great Moments in..  Wait...STEVE AND MIKE DISAGREE ON SOMETHING!  Oh yeah and, GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY!!!

Episode 67 - I Got 99 Problems But A Bush Ain't One

Steve and Mike, back with the Podcast that makes you think, makes you laugh and makes you think "Why am I laughing?"  Steve discusses a Jay-Z concert he regrettably went to.  Steve and Mike try to convince a woman, who isn't even engaged, that they should do a live podcast from the wedding.  Bush, no...not the president, but BUSH and all it's splendor and OMAHA!!!